According to Moonalice legend, at 4:20pm on March 31, 2012 someone downloaded "It's 4:20 Somewhere." That person pushed us over 1.5 million downloads. The Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame has certified that Moonalice is the first band in history to have one million downloads of a song from its own servers.
NEW YORK, NY - March 30, 2012 Moonalice is a band of seasoned musicians who feel that live music should be a communal experience where the listener and musicians feed and derive inspiration from each other. Their songs try to speak to everyone, mixing a variety of genres with extended musical improvisations that evoke a sense of adventure and exploration.
Jeff Lindholm did an interview with Roger for his radio show, Geezer Rock, to promote the band's upcoming show in Burlington, VT (Sat., March 31). Roger talks about the reasons the band formed, webcasting shows, and supporting the Occupy Movement.
Enter your name in a random drawing to win one of 20 bags of Moonalice schwag! And don't forget after you enter to tell us what makes the tribe so special for you, to share the contest with your friends, to try out our new Facebook Connect feature on www.MOONALICE.COM to mark the Reunion, and to share your show and couch tour attendance with friends - it's a great way to help grow the tribe!