First Concert of 2015!
According to Moonalice legend, our tribe still operates according to the Julian calendar. Our year starts in March. This is our first gig. It’s a very special occasion, as we are here to support EPIC’s work to preserve the redwood forests. Climate change threatens our beloved cannabis crop … as well as everything else we love. As tonight’s poster by the amazing Darrin Brenner shows, even mermaids are threatened with mass extinction. We have tried many things to reverse climate change, and we think we have it all figured out. The answer is cannabis. If we bring together all the people who deny climate change and get them really stoned, they will come around. We’re doing our part!!!
First time played: Love Will Take You Home, More and More
Tribe Comments
Morning treats again, yay :)
I've been jonesin for a Moonalice show. Finally! Great to see you back in action!