Comments (3)
Who Was There?
According to Moonalice legend, the civil rights movement got its start right here at the Red Dog Saloon. Tonight's poster by David Singer depicts the early days of this saloon, back in the dark days of segregation in Virginia City. No one talks about it any more, but the restaurants and bars in this town were very particular about who they served. Poodles, dalmatians and shepherds were welcome everywhere, but golden retrievers and Irish Setters? NFW. For a long time, goldens and setters could not get a drink, a meal, or a bed in Virginia City. The town council would not budge, so finally Mahatma Ghandi Moonalice opened Red Dog Saloon in 1865, welcoming dogs of all kinds.
Tribe Comments
Had a fabulous time at this historic old saloon.
Met many wonderful people from Reno, Truckee and Carson City
They made this Bay Area boy feel right at home.
A big Thumbs-up to folks at the Red Dog and all the kind and gentle people of Nevada
And of course, Moonalice was Awesome too
~ Cosmicharlie
This show will be re-broadcast asap. There was a problem with the satellite last night which unfortunately led to the sync problems. Please check on www.facebook.com/moonalice for when the broadcast will take place.
Need to sic audio to video.